What is it about chevron that is so alluring? It seems like everywhere I look lately, I see chevron patterns in all shapes and sizes: on walls, rugs, furniture, clothing (and not only Missoni), jewelry, office products, really on everything.
What Is Chevron?
Chevron is a simple inverted V-shaped graphic pattern (also often called zig zag) that has been popular in art and design since ancient times. There have been archaeological findings of chevron in rock carvings and on Greek pottery dating from roughly 1800 BC. It is also often used in the military to show rank, in old flags and arms, and on street signs (the ones that mark a sharp curve).
In interior decor, chevron patterns are usually bold and definitely stand out in a room, but they can also be more subtle when done in the same color with only a slight difference in hues, or even in the same color with different textures. Or it could be a natural pattern, as in the floor in the picture to the far right below (done this way, it is called “Fishbone parquet”).
Photos: Domino Magazine, Erik Ohlsson
There are lots of ways to add a bit of chevron to your home, and even just a little bit of it on an accent piece makes a big impact. Here are a few favorite DIY projects of varying difficulty:
Adorable Artwork
The addition of the hippo is simply genius!
Idea & photos: A Brand New Baby
Table and Free Pattern Download
A fabulous example of how subtle, yet with a strong impact, this pattern can be. And they have a free template download!
Idea & photos: Sunset Magazine
Got A Shoebox? Chevron it!
Such a great idea: turn old shoebox lids into chevron wall decor (using the template from Sunset Magazine).
Idea & photos: Spunky Junky
In this project, an inexpensive IKEA rug gets an awesome makeover.
Idea & photos: Miggy
Coat Rack
I love the colors in this adorable coat hook design.
Idea & photos: The Sweet Survival
This project combines two of my obsessions lately: chevron and trays. I have to confess that I would probably not have the patience to do this one myself, but I love the result!
Idea & photos: Chez Larsson
Time to get that painters tape out and get to work! 🙂