Wallpaper Borders

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I have always thought wallpaper borders were among the ugliest forms of wall decor that you could add to a room (unless it’s in a kid’s room. There, they are cute and fun, and I also think they’re adorable as baby nursery decor).

Just like with metal wall art, wallpaper borders seems to be a category where there is an astonishing abundance of hideous designs. That is obviously just my own opinion, but extensive shopping sprees and online searches have resulted in only a couple that I could ever imagine putting up on my walls.

Having said that, I would like to add that I found many that would look cute as greeting cards or decoupaged onto boxes and small pieces of furniture – but for projects like that, I would use spare pieces, or shop for discount wallpaper borders. No need to spend more than necessary there.

So what did I find that was acceptable? Here are two I might consider, and yes, I know, they’re more like wall quotes than borders, but that was all I could come up with. With wallpapers making a big comeback, you’d think that there would be lots of stylish and contemporary borders readily available, but no.

Photos: Homeportfolio

That was pretty much it. I did find a vintage zebra wallpaper border that would look fun in a room where it fits, like the one below, but my place is not as hip as that… I kind of like it though.

Photo: mydeco

Anyway, recently, I finally found the wallpaper border of my dreams! I discovered Wallbands by New York husband and wife design team “Twenty2” (they also have a great hand-printed wallpaper collection). These are such a great take on wallpaper borders, and so stylish I want them in every room in the house.

I like the “Gala” or “Dixon” for a living room, the “Seymour” as a kitchen wall border, the “Ra-Ra” in a hallway and the “Racer” in a kid’s room. And I love the idea of putting them up vertically instead of horizontally.

They are pre-pasted and both go up and come down easily, and are available from 2modern.

Photos: 2modern

I’ll be curious to see what happens to the word of wallpaper borders in the future. There are so many clever ideas and designs in all areas of home decorating, and I wouldn’t be surprised if somebody came up with one that lights up, or displays messages, or something even more inventive. We’ll just have to wait and see.


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