Fabulous Tealight Candle Holders

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After what has been a record warm fall and beginning of winter here in the northeastern US, the chill has started to set in and I finally feel like cozying up inside (it wasn’t until the second half of December I changed to winter curtains – it just didn’t feel right when it was in the 60s).

To me, few things say cozy like lots of lit candles (my favorites are beeswax candles from Big Dipper Waxworks), and while I probably have more candle holders than the average person already, I keep finding new ones that I just can’t resist. Here are some recent favorites:

1. Gorgeous metal tealight chandelier with clear beads and 5 candle holders in the center. From Elizabeth’s Embellishments.

2. I love these ceramic tealight holders that look like they are knitted. By Annette Bugansky Design

3. Adorable metal candle holders with a pattern inspired by traditional polish papercuts. By British designer Niki Jones (check out her shop, it is fantastic!).

4. So simple and yet so pretty and rustic. They look like they would be pretty easy to make yourself too, just get a little clear glass candle holder and wrap a piece of burlap around it. From one of my favorite shops, Frøken Klara.

5. I’ve seen many house-shaped candle holders before, but none quite like this one by Swedish artist Eva Strömberg. Love it!

6. How cute would this castle be in a little girl’s room? From Gårdsromantik.se

7. Gorgeous handmade metal hanging tealight candle holders from Zazazu. These are definitely on the shopping list for the next trip home.

8. Beautiful round zinc lantern by Danish Walther & Co. When lit, it creates a wonderful shadow pattern on the wall (I also love the cityscape candle holders on the table, also from W&Co.). From Carlsson Interior.

9. The snowball. This candle holder is such a classic; it was designed by Ann Wärff in 1973, and growing up, I remember seeing them in all of my friends’ homes. My parents had a few too, and I still have them. From Kosta Boda.

10. The shapes and colors of these glass tealight candle holders are so pretty, and I love the shiny iridescence. By Two’s Company.

Collage by Decoration Decoration


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