Decorating With Green Wallpaper

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Wallpaper has really come back in style with force in the past few years, and while it may be a tad more work intensive to put up, it truly is a great alternative to paint. There are more colors, styles and designs to choose from than ever, and the abundance can be quite overwhelming. Where do you start? What would look good in a particular room?

Color plays an important role in any decorating project and the right choice of shade brings together the entire room and helps you set the overall mood of the space. Neutral colors include gray, white, brown and black, while red, pink yellow and orange are considered warm tones, and blue, purple and green are cool. Today, we’ll focus on the color green.

The Color Green

Green is the color of nature and provides an air of freshness and relaxation. If you want to bring a touch of nature indoors, green wallpaper helps create an inviting atmosphere. Different shades of green provide different benefits: dark green often feels masculine, rich and conservative; light green has been found to be calming, and all shades are associated with freedom, good luck, fertility, rebirth, peace, nurturing, harmony, compassion and generosity (and also a few negative aspects, such as envy and sickness). In chromotherapy, green is used to strengthen the bones, muscles, tissues, immune and nervous systems, help heal the kidneys, and balance the digestion, liver and hormones.

Green is in the middle of the color spectrum, and is very easy on the eyes. They don’t need to make any adjustments (as can be the case with other colors), and we are able to see a larger number of green shades than we are those of other colors. All these facts contribute to making green an ideal decorating backdrop. And it is easy to mix various shades of green, and even several green patterns, in one room without it becoming an assault on the senses.

Green Color Combinations

Any shade of green looks great with white, and green and white is a classic combination that feels fresh and crisp (great for living rooms and kitchens, and even outdoor rooms). Green and brown is soothing and somber (perfect for bedrooms or bathrooms), while green and pink is playful and cheery (adorable in a nursery or young girl’s room). Blue and green looks wonderful together, creating an urban, chic look. I wouldn’t go 50/50 with blue and green though; let one color be the dominant one in the room and use the other for accents. Having said that, in a totally white room (walls and decor), using half blue and half green accents looks fabulous.

Green Hues

In general, darker shades provide a more soothing and calming atmosphere and lighter, brighter greens add energy and vitality to the room. I personally do not like dark green in a kitchen, for example, I like to use even something as intense as a lime green there. It instantly cheers and wakes you up as you stumble in at 6 am to start the coffee. On the other hand, that shade would look out of place in a study or library, where you want to be able to settle down with your thoughts or a good book in your favorite chair.


When it comes to patterns, it’s pretty much up to you and what you like. A pale green flower pattern on a white and cream background provides a “barely there” touch of nature. Geometric retro wallpaper (I especially love the ones from the 50s) can have both discreet and really loud designs, and definitely work in modern spaces as well. In fact, Sanderson recently released a whole new line of original and 50s-inspired prints.

Vertical stripes in various shades of green can help a room with a low ceiling feel larger. If you want to use large, bold prints but are afraid they might be too much, try putting it up on just a focal wall. Another alternative is to keep the rest of the decor in the room plain and neutral, making the wallpaper the center of attention. Or try it in a space where you’re not spending a lot of time, like a foyer, or guest bath. Bold patterns in very pale colors are also a good alternative – you get the fun of the patterns without it being too overwhelming.

Tie The Whole Thing Together

If you can find fabric in the same design as the wallpaper, try upholstering a chair or couch in it, or just a few pillows. It will help tie the whole room together, and surprisingly, helps with cutting down on the overpowering look of a very bold and colorful wallpaper.

I love wallpaper and it is so much fun to decorate with it; even simple prints can dress up a plain-looking room, and with the right choice of colors, it brings harmony and life to any space.


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